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Rapture v Religion Is Bullshit

22 May

You decide:

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Atheists after the Rapture

22 May


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Richard Dawkins on death

20 May

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We are going to die and that makes us the lucky ones

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Stephen Hawking: Science will win because it works; heaven is a fairy story

16 May

From The Guardian:

I regard the brain as a computer which will stop working when its components fail. There is no heaven or afterlife for broken down computers; that is a fairy story for people afraid of the dark.

This is  a great follow up to Hawking’s previous unequivocal swipe at religion when, in an US TV interview,  he said:

Science will win because it work.

Indeed, there is no contest between science and religion. We know it is science that finds & bases its knowledge on evidence. It has a proven track record of doing so. Religion has yet to produce a single piece of evidence for its mumbo jumbo. In fact all the evidence so far proves the opposite of its wild claims. Until religion can overcome the evidence against it and prove its wild fantasies using verifiable evidence it cannot be held in the same regard.

Or as Christopher Hitchens says: extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. Talking of Hitchens here he is on why it is right to hold religion in contempt:

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Novelist Anne Rice does the religious hokey-cokey over gay rights

5 Feb

left leg in: Anne Rice, Back To Atheism

In 1998 Anne Rice put her left leg in, back in the Catholic Church after having put her right leg in atheism. One could wonder why she didn’t choose to put her left leg in a more liberal women-friendly institution, but that would perhaps make life too simple and logical, especially for a former “atheist”. And now true to the song she’s put her left leg out of the Catholic Church over gay rights. Didn’t she know about God’s hatred of all things gay before she rejoined the Church?

A few Anne Rice Jesus-loving novels later… does God’s hatred of gays mean the god of war Yahweh doesn’t exist after all? Sure the invisible and the non-existent look awfully alike, but surely man’s greatest delusion can’t be brought into question simply because we don’t like his sleeping policies, right? Or is this god’s manifesto all one big question of interpretation where the most powerful religions and churches all have this sweet innocent god character wrong, and novelist Anne Rice has it right, and what does that tell us about this god’s communication capabilities especially as he’s supposed to be all powerful?

I shouldn’t worry Anne Rice with these matters, she’s probably got a Vishnu, Thor or Zeus-inspired novel to write, or is she into the FSM now?

Jesus spun Anne many a money spinner

So let’s sing it together:

Oooh the hokey-cokey
Oh the hokey-cokey!
She put her left leg in, her left out
In out, in out
She shook it all about
She did the religious hokey-cokey
Then she turned around
And that’s what it’s all about!


Further reading: Anne Rice: Gay Rights Challenge Christian Faith

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Stephen Fry’s Finest Hour

30 Jan


Follow Stephen Fry on Twitter here.

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God goes on a mass murder spree

30 Jan


Go to Darkmatter2525’s Youtube Channel


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Why religion is immoral by Christopher Hitchens

30 Jan

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Hello world!

24 Jan

Welcome! I will start blogging as soon as I’ve worked this all out. Thank you for your patience.

The About Me section tells you a little more about why I started blogging. If you can’t be bothered to go there: I’m an atheist and as Madalyn Murray O’Hair once put it, that means we question every kind of authority: